Mommy Makeover Chicago

Mommy Makeover

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A “Mommy Makeover” is a general term used to describe a combination of procedures done to get a patient back into their “pre-mommy body”, including a tummy tuck and some form of breast procedure (breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, etc.).  If you’re considering a tummy tuck surgery, you may want to consider additional procedures to be performed at the same time to limit the amount of surgeries you have and the additional recovery time.  Many times patients also want fat transfers to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift) for additional shaping, or reduction of their labia (labiaplasty) if enlarged or stretched during pregnancy/delivery.

How is Mommy Makeover Surgery Done?

The procedure is typically done under general anesthesia for patient comfort.  For the abdominoplasty, many times the skin/fat removal is combined with a muscle repair where the rectus abdominis muscles are stitched together if they are separated (called a “rectus diastasis).  To reinforce the muscle repair in patients with a “weak” abdominal wall, Dr. Krochmal likes to use GalaFlex mesh for additional strength and longevity.  Many surgeons (including Dr. Krochmal) also perform extra body shaping with advanced liposuction techniques to further refine the appearance.  You may know of terms such as “circumferential liposuction”, “360 lipo”, “Hi-Def lipo”, or “etching” that can be used with abdominoplasties. Basically, the variations performed are individualized to create the most ideal outcome for you in the safest way possible.

For the breasts, there are several procedures that can be done to create your desired shape and size, including a Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, or Breast Reduction.  Breast augmentation typically involves placing a breast implant underneath the breast tissue, but can also be done with fat grafting if you want to use your natural tissue to create fullness.  Breast lifting and breast reduction can be performed to lift the breast into the proper position to make them more “perky”, and smaller if desired to balance your shape.  Scarring is minimized as much as possible while still achieving the results you desire.  

Who is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

A good candidate for a Mommy Makeover is anybody who is concerned about their breasts and abdomen, and who is in overall good health.  Dr. Krochmal usually recommends waiting at least 6 months after your delivery before undergoing a Mommy Makeover in order to allow the abdomen and breasts to settle. Like any stomach or breast procedure, it’s probably best to wait until you’re done having children to have the surgery, otherwise your chances of needing a revision are much higher.

What is the Recovery for a Mommy Makeover?

Patients used to worry about the Mommy Makeover recovery, but with the latest techniques, the recovery isn’t bad at all!  Dr. Krochmal likes to use Exparel with his tummy tucks, as this provides pain control for up to three days.  Pain medications and muscle relaxers are also prescribed to enhance the recovery process and make it as comfortable as possible.  Patients are out to dinner after a few days, and are driving in about a week.  Most patients take 1-2 weeks off of work for their recovery.  The exact surgery you have will determine which kind of compression garment you wear, and your activity restrictions.  Sometimes drains are used to remove the swelling and speed up the recovery process, and other times Dr. Krochmal prefers to use the “drainless tummy tuck” technique.  Patients can shower after a few days, but there is no soaking in water, heavy lifting, or strenuous activity for 1 month.  Dr. Krochmal typically lets patients resume dedicated core strengthening exercises at 6 weeks.

The breast procedure doesn’t add much to the pain or recovery at all.  If a patient has a breast augmentation with breast implants placed beneath the muscle, the chest can be sore for a few days (like doing a bunch of push-ups).

Do I Have to Be a Mommy to Get a Mommy Makeover?

No, you don’t actually have to be a “mommy” to get the surgery.  The term is a general term to mean a combination of an abdominoplasty with a breast procedure, so weight loss patients often ask for this even if they don’t have children. 

Who is the Best Mommy Makeover Surgeon in Chicago?

There is no “best” surgeon for any procedure. But, there are some qualifications and credentials that improve the chance that you will achieve your desired result safely.  Make sure your surgeon is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  Make sure they operate in a fully accredited facility.  If the procedure is not being done in a hospital, make sure they have privileges at a local hospital to do the procedure you are getting done.  Make sure they have completed an accredited residency or fellowship program.  Read their reviews to get a sense of what other patients have experienced.  Check out their before/after pictures to get a sense of their technical and artistic style, and see if they operate on patients that appear similar to you. 

 And most importantly, schedule a consultation with that doctor to see if they are a good “fit” for you.  Every doctor has his or her own personality and approach to patient care, so you will want to see if you like that particular approach.  Do they inspire confidence and trust?  Are they calming and reassuring?  Do they take the time to answer your questions?  Do they discuss alternative approaches and say why those approaches may or may not work?  Do they seem like they will continue to care for you after the procedure?

There is no “best mommy makeover surgeon”, but there is a “best” surgeon for you.  You just may need to consult with several to find the right one.  Hopefully Dr. Krochmal is on your “short list” of Chicago and Oak Brook plastic surgeons to interview.  We’re happy to help Shape Your Future!

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