Bra Line Backlift

Bra Line Backlift

What is Bra Line Backlift Surgery?

A Bra Line Backlift removes the extra skin and fat from the mid and upper back.  It’s a great procedure for women with “bra rolls”, or loose skin that overhangs bikinis and dresses.  The final scar is positioned so that it falls within the bra line, which usually makes the scar invisible when wearing clothing.  The only thing people will see is a sculpted, contoured back!  The procedure was “invented” by my friend and mentor, Dr. Joseph P. Hunstad, and I am honored to have learned the technique from him.

How is Bra Line Backlift Surgery Done?

The procedure begins with the preoperative markings.  The patient should wear a bra (or bikini top), and the garment is traced.  The proposed scar is then placed inside those markings.  Then, under general anesthesia, the excess skin is carefully measured and marked.  The excess skin and fat is cut away , and the incision is sewn in multiple layers to prevent scar widening.  The final scar usually runs in the bra line, and ends underneath the side of each breast (so you get lifting and contouring of your flanks also!).  The only dressing that’s needed is paper tape to protect the scar.  No drains or garments needed!  The surgery usually lasts 2-2.5 hours.

Who is a Good Candidate for Bra Line Backlift Surgery?

A good candidate for a bra line backlift is anybody with extra fat and skin in the mid and upper back that is resistant to diet and exercise.  Usually patients should be at or near their ideal weight if possible, and generally in good health.  If the excess skin and fat is in the lower back, and the buttocks needs lifting, a lower body or buttocks lift may be the better option.

What is the Recovery for Bra Line Backlift Surgery?

The recovery isn’t bad at all.  You’ll be a bit sore for a few days, but the discomfort is easily controlled with medications.  Most patients are out to dinner the following day, and driving after several days.  You can shower the next day, but no soaking in water, heavy lifting, or strenuous activity for 1 month to allow for the tissue on the inside to heal properly.

What About the Scar?

The biggest “plus” to this procedure is that the scar placement allows it to be hidden when wearing a bra or bathing suit top.  The skin will be taped for 4-6 weeks to support it while it heals.  On occasion, the scar can be thickened or may widen, but his doesn’t happen often (and can be treated if it does).  

Who is the Best Bra Line Backlift Surgeon in Chicago?

There is no “best” surgeon for any procedure. But, there are some qualifications and credentials that improve the chance that you will achieve your desired result safely.  Make sure your surgeon is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  Make sure they operate in a fully accredited facility.  If the procedure is not being done in a hospital, make sure they have privileges at a local hospital to do the procedure you are getting done.  Make sure they have completed an accredited residency or fellowship program.  Read their reviews to get a sense of what other patients have experienced.  Check out their before/after pictures to get a sense of their technical and artistic style, and see if they operate on patients that appear similar to you. 

 And most importantly, schedule a consultation with that doctor to see if they are a good “fit” for you.  Every doctor has his or her own personality and approach to patient care, so you will want to see if you like that particular approach.  Do they inspire confidence and trust?  Are they calming and reassuring?  Do they take the time to answer your questions?  Do they discuss alternative approaches and say why those approaches may or may not work?  Do they seem like they will continue to care for you after the procedure?

There is no “best bra line backlift surgeon”, but there is a “best” surgeon for you.  You just may need to consult with several to find the right one.  Hopefully Dr. Krochmal is on your “short list” of Chicago and Oak Brook plastic surgeons to interview.  We’re happy to help Shape Your Future!

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