
What We Do

Face Procedures

Daniel Krochmal Cosmetic Face

Turn back the clock by removing wrinkled skin, lifting the jowls, and tightening your neck.  Click HERE to learn more about a facelift procedure.

Look younger and refreshed by removing excess skin while optimizing volume to enhance your eye appearance.

A sagging brow can make you look older and tired.  Lift the brow with neuromodulators, Silhouette InstaLift ThreadLifting or surgical procedures (including minimally invasive techniques) to make you appear more energetic and approachable.

The nose is a central feature of the face, so it’s important to have a balanced size with a pleasing shape.  The appearance can be improved with nonsurgical techniques such as fillers or surgical procedures.

While usually associated with children being teased at school, the ears frame the face and are therefore an important feature even in adulthood.  Do you want to wear a ponytail without feeling self-conscious? We have an answer.

As we age, our upper lip lengthens and the corners of our mouth begin to sag.  Minor surgical procedures under local anesthesia can correct these, making you appear younger or getting rid of that “RBF”.

Ellacor is the cutting edge, first-to-market device that removes skin without scars! Remove excess skin, lift jowls, reduce wrinkles, and rejuvenate your skin.  A purely mechanical device (i.e. no heat), it punches small holes in your skin that then shrink/close without visible scars.  And the downtime is only several days before you can wear makeup while the skin continues to heal.  Click HERE to learn more about Ellacor!  

Breast Procedures

Do you wish your breasts were noticed more often?  Do you want to fill out your bikini tops or dresses, or restore volume lost following pregnancy or weight loss?  Breast implants are a proven, effective, and safe way to enhance not only your bust, but your confidence.  Click HERE to learn more about breast augmentation.

Do you wish your breasts were higher, tighter, and “sportier”?  Have they started sagging after pregnancy, weight loss, or simple aging?  A mastopexy is a great way to lift the breasts into a more ideal position while improving the shape.

Breasts that are too large can contribute to back pain, shoulder grooving, difficulty finding clothing, interference with exercise, and self-consciousness during intimacy.  Correcting these is the reason why patients consistently rank a breast reduction as one of the most satisfying procedures!  Click HERE to learn more about breast reduction.

You’ve gotten breast implants, but you may want them bigger, smaller, or simply “upgraded” to the newest generation of implants for safety reasons.  A breast implant exchange is a great procedure to accomplish your goals.  Click HERE to learn more about breast implant exchange, including the answer to, “Do I need to replace my implants every 10 years?”

If you have breast implants that you no longer want due to a change in life stage, concern about having a foreign body, or symptoms that may be caused by your implants, removing the breast implant can give you some peace of mind.  Click HERE to learn more about breast implant removal and the En Bloc technique. 

Breast cancer can be a devastating diagnosis.  Thankfully, the oncologic treatments continue to improve, and our ability to restore your chest appearance can give back your sense of femininity.  Make sure you see a plastic surgeon as part of your journey to discuss  options including implant-based reconstruction, or using your own tissue to create new breasts.

Daniel Krochmal Breast Augmentation Chicago

Body Procedures

Daniel Krochmal Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

While noninvasive or injectable treatments such as CoolSculpting and Kybella get lots of marketing attention, liposuction is a reliable way to remove the unwanted fat in your problem areas with less downtime than you think!  Click HERE to learn more about liposuction to sculpt your body (not just simply removing fat, but carefully shaping to enhance your features as well) and shed your “winter coat”.  

Have kids and weight loss stretched your stomach skin and muscles?  You can’t exercise these back, which is why a tummy tuck is such a popular procedure to restore appearance and confidence.  Click HERE to learn more about abdominoplasty options and techniques (e.g. “drainless”, “mini”, “reverse”) that can be tailored to achieve your desired appearance. 

Kids are wonderful, but they can do a number on your body, with significant changes to your breast and abdominal appearance.  With a combination of breast and body contouring procedures, your body may be restored to your pre-mommy shape (or even improved)!  Breast augmentation, breast lifting, breast reduction, liposuction, abdominoplasty, and labiaplasty may be just what you need. Click HERE to learn more about the Mommy Makeover procedure.

If you have extra skin and fat in your mid and upper back that hangs over your bra or bathing suit top, this is a powerful procedure to shape your back.  And the scar is very well hidden, as you will see.  Click HERE to learn more about the Bra Line Backlift from Dr. Krochmal.

Are your labia preventing you from exercising effectively? Are they embarrassingly noticeable in certain clothes?  Are you struggling with confidence or pain during intimacy?  A labiaplasty may be your new favorite procedure.

If you butt is flat, deflated, or sagging, then techniques such as fat transfer (AKA the Brazilian Butt Lift), Sculptra injections, implant placement, or surgical lifting may give you a buttocks you’ll be proud of. 

If you struggle with “bat wings” after weight loss, or just don’t have the toned and tightened arms to show off when wearing tank tops, then a brachioplasty may be a great procedure for you.  With a well-hidden incision, most patients go sleeve-LESS after this procedure.  Click HERE to learn more about arm lift options. 

If you’re bothered by your thigh appearance, then skin removal with a hidden scar may allow you wear the bathing suits and shorts that you’ve been keeping in your closet all these years. 

Gynecomastia (AKA “man boobs”) is a significant source of embarrassment for many guys.  With surgery, including minimally invasive liposuction with hidden scars, you may be looking for reasons to take OFF your shirt this summer.  Click HERE to learn more about gynecomastia and your options, and stop suffering in silence (you may be surprised that many men get plastic surgery, they just don’t talk about it as much as women, typically).


Lipedema is a progressive disorder of diseased fat that just grows, and grows, and grows.  The treatment is to thoroughly remove the fat so that it doesn’t grow back enough to cause a functional deficit.  Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Krochmal’s  “Wipe-Out Liposuction” technique, or WipoLipo(TM) for short.

Liposuction involves removing fat through small incisions and metal tubes called “cannulas” that are connected to a vacuum. There are several variations on this theme involving mechanical and energy assistance.  Click HERE to learn more about different methods of liposuction to remove that unwanted fat.

Lipedema doesn’t only affect the lower extremities on many people.  If your upper arm contour is bothering you, either before or after large volume liposuction, a brachioplasty to remove the excess tissue near your triceps muscle may help improve upper extremity function and protect your shoulder from excess wear and tear.  Click HERE to learn more about arm lift options. 

After large volume liposuction for Lipedema, you may be left with loose skin in your thighs.  A thigh lift procedure may the be the perfect answer to removing that excess skin to broaden your fashion choices! 

Lipedema can affect the lower abdomen.  Surgery to remove the lower abdominal skin and fat may improve your function, and lessen the likelihood of getting rashes where the skin rubs together.  Click HERE to learn more about tummy tuck techniques.  

Daniel Krochmal WipiLipo Lipedema
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